02 Dec [PR Newswire] 4DREPLAY Unveils 4D Drama ‘Dangerous Couples’, Made Using 360-Degree Video Technology
Posted at 09:35h
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4DREPLAY, a 4D unique video solution technology provider and a member of Born2Global Centre, will soon release its new media drama series, Dangerous Couples, made using 4DReplay, a 360-degree video technology, used for the first time in the history of Korean new media platform dramas.
The 4D drama Dangerous Couples is a mystery romance that is drawing much attention for its application of 4DREPLAY’s 360-degree time slice video technology “4DReplay“. In the series, Mr. Lee, a homicide detective, investigates and solves the suspicious death of a lawyer from a famous law firm who is the fiancé of Cha EunJu, a successful handbag designer.